Around The Living Word (ATLW) meets on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Parish Life Center and focuses on a particular book of the bible.
Scripture Reflections on the upcoming Sunday readings meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Parish Life Center
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) involves preparation for and celebration of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, which manifests the intimate relation of these sacraments to one another. The primary focus of the RCIA is the Christian initiation of unbaptized adults.
The Rite also provides for the initiation of unbaptized children of catechetical age 6 and above, as well as for welcoming baptized Catholics and non-Catholics into full communion with the Church. Children who have reached the use of reason are considered for purposes of Christian initiation, to be adults. RCIA consists of four distinct periods of formation: Period of Inquiry; Period of the Catechumenate; Period of Enlightenment; and Period of Postbaptismal Catechesis. Any adult interested in becoming Catholic or receiving Sacraments should contact the parish priest as soon as possible.
Sessions are held every Sunday after the 8:00 am Mass.
Chairperson: Edward Stoner
Topics on Catholic, Doctrine, Morality, Practices and Prayer.
Six Week Sessions Sundays 9:45-10:45 AM